
ISC2 Colombo Chapter

Our ISC2 Colombo Chapter offers chapter members and guests to create a local network of peers to share knowledge, exchange resources, collaborate on projects, and gain Information Systems Security Certification Consortium ISC2 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. 

Our Colombo Chapter is working jointly to accomplish our goal to improve and develop our knowledge base in Sri Lanka, by sharing knowledge, learning, and building harmony. 

ISC2 Colombo

Member Benefits

As a member of our ISC2 Colombo Chapter, you will have the opportunity to interact and exchange ideas with fellow ISC2 credential holders and other information security professionals. Our ISC2 Colombo Chapter makes it possible to:

  • Earn CPEs by participating in professional activities such as monthly meetings or facilitating Safe and Secure Online sessions to the community.
  • Participate in local community outreach projects (public service) to educate people about information security.
  • Participate in co-sponsored events with other industry associations
  • Assist ISC2 initiatives by speaking at industry events or writing articles for publication.

How can I join the ISC2 Colombo Chapter?

There are many benefits to joining the ISC2 Colombo Chapter, and it is easy to join: download and complete our Membership form and Membership guidelines form, then send us an email with the completed forms attached. However, You are welcome to attend our chapter meetings without joining the Chapter. For more information please go to FAQ.

If you are already an ISC2 Colombo chapter member and haven’t paid your membership fees, you can do so using your credit/debit card using the following link. 

The largest not-for-profit professional body, (ISC)2 educates and certifies infosecurity professionals. We are the Colombo Chapter of (ISC)2